Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm Pregnant!

Disclaimer: This is my first blog post for my very first blog ever. While I thoroughly enjoy reading other people’s blogs, I never thought I would be a blogger myself. So why start now? A few days ago, my husband and I found out that I am pregnant! We have been hanging out on cloud 9 ever since we saw those two beautiful pink lines on the test stick.

To add to our good fortune, we were two days away from seeing my entire family for our annual week at the beach. I am one of five, and my family is spread out across the US. I am in NJ, I have siblings in PA, SC, and my parents live in TX. So you can imagine my excitement to be able to tell them our wonderful news in person.

We had an incredible week with my family. It was so great to see everyone’s reactions when we told them our news. My mom cried, my dad looked proud, my older brother high-fived me, my sister-in-law gave me a big hug, my little brother had this wonderfully happy look on his face (I hope I never forget it), and my little sister was grinning ear to ear. I am so happy we got to see all of these reactions.

Like all good things, our week at the beach sadly came to an end. During a tearful goodbye with my mom, I promised to start a blog to keep her updated as my pregnancy progresses. I couldn’t imagine going through this without her knowing every detail, and seeing my belly grow. So mom, as promised, here is the first of many weekly updates (this is borrowed from a few ladies on the Bump). The belly picture isn’t anything exciting, but I want to have it to compare to in the weeks to come:

Week 5 of Pregnancy:

How far along? 5 Weeks

Weight gain/loss: None

Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? No, hopefully that is my answer for the next 35 weeks!

Sleep? Yes please! I could sleep all day, every day.

Best moment this week? Seeing everyone’s reactions to our news.

Food cravings: Hmm, not sure if I’d call it a craving, but fruit smoothies have been hitting the spot in this hot weather (102 degrees today!)

Gender: Not sure yet.

Belly button in or out? In

Movement? Nope

What I miss? Wine!!!

What I'm looking forward to: My first appointment on Thursday

Weekly wisdom: I am pregnant today and love my baby, I shouldn’t borrow tomorrow's worries

Milestones: Our baby is the size of an appleseed!


  1. Okay, so you made me cry again! It is a good cry though. I couldn't be happier and can't wait to follow you, VJ and my grandchild along this beautiful journey! I love you!

  2. I am loving this!!! Can't wait to read more. LOVE ALL THREE OF YOU!!! xoxo

  3. We are so happy for you. If you need anything give us a call!
