Saturday, November 13, 2010

Worst. Blogger. Ever. Oh, and 24 Weeks!

It's official, I am the worst blogger ever. So sorry for not keeping up with this. Our little baby boy is growing and kicking like crazy! Last night VJ and I were watching TV, and we actually SAW the baby kick for the first time. It was like he was trying to bust out of the joint (ie my belly), we saw a little fist/knee/elbow/or foot pop up, it was pretty crazy. Today we are going to pick up his crib, and after that we have a tour of the hospital. I can't wait to cross some stuff off of the looooong todo list we have!

Week 24 of Pregnancy:

How far along? 24 Weeks, 1 day

Weight gain/loss: At my last official 'weigh-in' I am up to 111 lbs

Maternity clothes? I am wearing maternity clothes all of the time now. They are so comfortable!!

Sleep? I have been sleeping great. The baby has been waking me up for about a half hour every night, between 2:30 and 3. For some reason he seems to think that is the time to do all sorts of flips, kicks, and who knows what else he's doing in there. Maybe he is training me for when he arrives? Either way, I love it and definitely don't mind the little break in sleep.

Best moment this week? Hanging out with VJ last night, feeling and seeing the baby kick.

Food cravings: Oooh, so many… anything specific that’s mentioned (VJ mentioned apple pie the other day), it gets into my head, and then I NEED it.

Gender: It's a BOY!!!

Belly button in or out? It isn't in or out, it is kind of flattened out. I am regretting that belly ring I got when I was 18, the closed up hole looks like 2 random dots on my belly now.

Movement? Yep, all the time! Especially after I eat apples.

What I miss? Red Wine!! Something about the cool weather makes me really want to glass of Red wine.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting the crib today, and my birthday on Wednesday.

Milestones: The baby is now big enough that he has a chance to survive outside the womb if he was to be born early. Obviously we want him to stay in there for another 16 weeks, though!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

16 Weeks

Has it really been 4 weeks?! I can’t believe it. My apologies to my cousin Nicole, I had no idea you read my blog… I hope you are doing well!

These past few weeks have flown by. They have been both busy and boring at the same time.

Here’s why I say they have been busy: My fainting has continued, and I get short of breath/dizzy after climbing a flight of stairs, or when I walk only a couple of blocks. I went to see a few doctors to see what is going on. After all of the doctor visits, I called my mom (a nurse) to piece together what all of these doctors told me.

My first stop was the OB for my scheduled 14 week appointment (side note – we heard the beautiful heartbeat again!). He said fainting is relatively common during pregnancy, but since it was happening so often, I should go get it checked out further. He sent me to a High Risk Specialist.

The Specialist was hysterical, great sense of humor, which helped me relax. He literally told me to eat hamburgers, French fries, cupcakes, greasy sandwiches, and ice cream. He also told me that during the second trimester, the mother’s blood pressure drops. He said that the baby is not affected by my fainting and that it is getting everything he/she needs, so that was a big relief. He sent me to a Cardiologist to make sure there wasn’t something more serious going on with me. Diagnosis: avoid low blood sugar, and gain weight. Got it. I figured I’d get another ultrasound, or at least he’d pull out a Doppler to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, but no luck. My addiction of hearing and seeing our baby was not fed this visit. Better luck next time.

My next stop was the Cardiologist. Not such a great sense of humor, but seemed to really know his stuff. They did an EKG and an ultrasound – not of my baby, but of my heart. I asked the tech if she minded moving the ultrasound down a bit, so we could have a peek of the baby. She was not so into the idea, apparently she has no interest in babies, only hearts. VJ seemed to think that my heart was interesting, but eh, I know my heart is beating… but I don’t know what our baby is looking like these days! So, back to the doctor: he said that my history of both low blood pressure and fainting, combined with the lower second trimester blood pressure is what is causing the fainting, dizziness, etc. It has nothing to do with my blood sugar level, and there is 'no need' to eat all of the foods the Specialist told me to eat. His exact words were 'let's not add Gestational Diabetes to the list'. Like I said, he was not as much fun as the Specialist. Kind of a buzz kill, actually. The biggest development came when he said that commuting to work is not safe right now, so I should work from home for the next 4 weeks (yikes!). That will bring me to October 11, and we’ll re-evaluate then.

That brings me to why these past few weeks have been boring. I have already been working from home for 2 weeks, and now I’ll be doing that for another 4. I don’t go anywhere by myself, except the grocery store and Panera which both 1 block away. Boring is good, though, better than getting picked up by an ambulance on the corner of the street.

Ok, now to the exciting stuff! I went for my ultrasound after my last blog post, and our baby looks like a BABY! I mean, this kid has legs, feet, toes, a head, and a face, including a pointy nose (that part he/she gets from me)! It was so much fun to see our little guy/girl.

In a few weeks we’ll know if he/she is a he or a she. VJ and my mom are convinced it’s a boy. I have no idea, feelings, or intuition at all on whether it is a boy or a girl. I am definitely excited to find out, though!

Week 16 (almost) of Pregnancy:

How far along? 15 Weeks, 6 days

Weight gain/loss: I am up to 101 lbs

Maternity clothes? Maternity jeans, and I am loving them. I may never go back to regular jeans again. None of my regular pants fit anymore, but since I don’t really go anywhere, I live in my maternity jeans and sweats all day, every day. A great perk of working from home!

Stretch marks? Nope, not yet, thankfully. I have decided to take this question out going forward, though. Let’s face it, chances are that one day the answer to this will be yes. What good will come from that? I will most likely be in tears while writing it, and do you really want to know??

Sleep? The ‘I’m so tired that I’m dizzy’ days are gone for now. I still go to bed early, and get about 9 hours of sleep a night, but at least I am not tired during the day anymore. Of course, that could be because I work from a couch these days.

Best moment this week? VJ and I had a great conversation about the baby and what life will be like when he/she gets here… so fun to hear him talk about it, he’s so excited. I am too, of course!

Food cravings: Cheddar cheese and Ritz crackers, I have been eating them all week. At this moment, I am craving nachos, though. I asked VJ to get some stuff to make nachos on the way home from the dentist & I can’t wait for him to get home!

Gender: We’ll find out next month!

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Movement? I think I have felt it a few times, but nothing consistent yet… should be soon though!
What I miss? Walking more than a block on my own!

What I'm looking forward to: We are going to Pennsylvania next week and I’ll get to see my niece!!! I haven’t seen her since July, and I miss her so much!

Milestones: The baby is getting bigger, he or she is now the size of an avocado! It is sucking its thumb, can open its eyes (can’t see yet, though), and its movements are more controlled.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

12 Weeks

My 12th week of pregnancy had a dramatic start. Monday morning was hot and humid. The weather, combined with a walk up the stairs from the subway platform proved to be too much for me that day. I was about 2 blocks from work, and started to feel like I was going to faint. I wanted to cross over 6th avenue and sit down in Bryant Park, but the light was red and I knew I would not make it across the street in time. I looked around and found a nice looking lady, and I told her that I thought I was going to faint. The next thing I remember is waking up in her arms while lying on the corner 6th and 40th. Thank god for that woman. She was pouring water on me to help me wake up, so there I was soaked, on the ground, with a crowd of tourists and commuters staring down at me. So embarrassing. As if that wasn’t bad enough, 6 cops and 2 ambulances showed up within 2 minutes of me waking up. It was such a scene. I have fainted before, mostly in the privacy of my own home. I usually just get my blood flowing again, have something to eat, and I’m good to go in about a half hour.

When the cops and EMT’s found out I was pregnant, they strongly encouraged me to go to the ER to make sure me and the baby were ok. I called VJ, and he met me at an area hospital. Not the greatest experience. I am sure this is normally a quality hospital, but I wasn't thrilled with the services provided that day. To sum it up, I was fine before I went in there. I had a bruise on my knee from when I fainted, and I was a little woozy, but that was all. By the time I walked out of there 6 hours later, I had 4 bruises on my arms from where the intern tried to run an IV on me. It took her 6 tries and burst 2 veins. There was blood everywhere, I have never seen anything like it. I had to look away, or I would have fainted again. On top of that, they didn’t let me eat or drink the entire time I was there. By the time we left there around 4:00, I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast 8 hours earlier. Not good for a pregnant lady!

The silver lining of all of this was that I got to see our little baby dancing and bouncing around like crazy inside of me. We could clearly see its arms and legs moving all around. This baby definitely gets its dance moves from VJ! It knows how to cut a rug, and it isn’t shy about it! If anyone has seen VJ at a wedding when Bruce Springsteen comes on, you know what I’m talking about! The beginning of the ultrasound was pretty hilarious (after the fact). They did a ton of tests on me before they checked on the baby, so I was already there for a few hours by the time we they did the ultrasound. I told the tech that I was dying to see if the baby was ok. She just kind of nodded and started moving the wand over my abdomen. She looked kind of worried, and didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes. I looked at VJ to see if he could see anything, but I don’t think he really knew what he was looking for. Finally the tech looked down at me concerned, and said ‘did you know you’re pregnant?’ seriously?! Uh, yeah, remember that baby I was just talking about 3 minutes ago?? Coincidentally, that is the baby I was talking about! So I told her ‘yes, I know I’m pregnant, is the baby ok???’ Looking unfazed she said ‘oh, yeah, its fine.’ VJ asked her to show me the baby on the screen because he knew I was totally freaking out. So she turned the screen towards me and there was our little baby, dancing around inside of me. Ok, and I can breathe again.

The rest of the week was relatively uneventful. We go in for another (planned) ultrasound on Friday, and I can’t wait for that! VJ thinks that I orchestrated the whole fainting incident just to score an extra ultrasound. I LOVE seeing our baby.

Week 12 of Pregnancy:

How far along? 12 Weeks, 2 days

Weight gain/loss: I am up 2 lbs

Maternity clothes? Nope, but I avoid wearing anything with a waistband, dresses are preferable right now.

Stretch marks? Nope, not yet.

Sleep? All day, every day. Too bad a little thing called work gets in the way of this.

Best moment this week? Seeing our baby! We also started telling more people after seeing the baby, and that was a lot of fun, too!

Food cravings: Ice cream cones. I had 2 last night and 1 tonight already. I’m sure I’ll be having a second before the night is over.

Gender: 8 weeks til we find out. I am curious if the tech will see anything on Friday, I hear it is possible for them to make an educated guess at this time.

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Movement? Dancing like it’s daddy, I just can’t feel it yet!

What I miss? Energy and wine!!

What I'm looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Friday (I am addicted)

Milestones: Our baby can now clench and unclench its hand. He/she is now 2 inches tall – almost as tall as its parents! As for me, people at work who don’t know have started calling me out because they are noticing my bump… I guess that means I’m getting bigger!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

11 Weeks

3 weeks since my last blog entry. Yikes. I have been brought down by first trimester symptoms and an untimely cold. But here I am, just past the 11 week mark, and almost into my second trimester. Good stuff, I can’t wait. I have a loooong 'to-do' list waiting for me when I feel better!

Two weeks ago we had our 10 week doctor appointment. The most exciting part was when we heard the baby's strong heartbeat of 172bpm. That beautiful woosh woosh woosh sound has let me breathe much easier these past couple of weeks.

Besides the doctor appointment, I haven’t done much of anything. I go to work, come home exhausted, eat dinner, and go to bed. Weekends lately have been for getting even more sleep, I can’t seem to get enough! This second trimester energy surge cannot come soon enough!!

When I am not sleeping, eating, or working, I have been reading up a storm, here is what I’ve been reading… lots of crazy stuff goes into making a baby!

Our little one already has quite a collection of toys and pajamas for when it arrives, thanks to generous gifts it has already received from family! It is so crazy to see baby stuff in our apartment, and know it is not a gift for someone else. It is a fun reminder about what is going on! Here is what the little one has waiting for him/her:

And while I'm doing pictures, here is the shirt we got for my nice. It is a size 2T, since I hear she is growing like crazy!

Week 11 of Pregnancy:

How far along? 11 Weeks, 2 days
Weight gain/loss: As of two weeks ago, I had gained a pound. I am sure I have gained another one by now (at least). I am always hungry!
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I have broken out the belly band my sister-in-law Heather lent me. Soooo comfortable, thanks!
Stretch marks? Nope, not yet.
Sleep? Cannot. Get. Enough.
Best moment this week? I noticed a little bump for the first time, a coworker actually pointed it out to me. I swear it wasn’t there when I got dressed in the morning, and all of a sudden, that same afternoon, there it was.
Food cravings: VJ mentioned these donuts from the farmers market by where he works – ever since he did, I NEEDED them. He didn’t think I was serious, but I made it clear that it was in his best interest to bring some home from me. He did, and they were SO good.

Gender: Not sure yet, we should find out in about 9 weeks.
Belly button in or out? Still in.
Movement? According to the books, the baby is moving like crazy in there. I can’t feel it yet, though.
What I miss? For the first time, it isn’t wine. I miss that, of course, but I miss feeling human more! I feel useless these days, and can’t wait to have some energy!

What I'm looking forward to: Taking a nap after I post this entry!!
Milestones: Our baby’s is the size of a lime now, and all of its major organs are formed! So crazy…

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 8, and Our First Ultrasound

Alright, so I am only 8 weeks in and I already missed a week. Sorry mom. I am back on the wagon. VJ and I had our first ultrasound on Wednesday. We saw and heard our little baby’s heartbeat, and we both fell in love. I took a deep breath for the first time since we first learned I was pregnant. Our baby is in there, its heart is beating, and it is measuring as expected. I couldn’t ask for more than that!

While I was taking a deep breath, VJ was coming to the realization that we are having a baby! I realized that this pregnancy is much easier for me to comprehend, since I am feeling tired and sick. I don’t think that VJ had been able to wrap his mind around the idea until he saw our baby. It was pretty funny to see him come to this realization. He looked so happy, and his jaw hung open the whole way home. He kept looking at the ultrasound pictures, I think he was in awe.

I took the day off because I knew that it would be impossible to do anything but stare at the first pictures of our baby all day. I was right. I called my family to tell them about our appointment. That’s the good thing about having a big family, I got to keep reliving that amazing moment over and over again. I compared notes with my older brother, since he just went through this 2 short years ago. I realized as we were talking that this was the first of many, many times that we will be comparing stories about our children. I am excited to see my nice with our baby, and I just bought her a t-shirt that says ‘I’m the older cousin’. I hope she wears it proudly!

Week 8 of Pregnancy:

How far along? 8 Weeks
Weight gain/loss: Not sure, I’ll find out next Wednesday. I have been eating like a champ, so I’m guessing I put on a pound or two.

Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? I am still constantly tired. I go to bed really early, and that helps a lot.

Best moment this week? Hearing our baby’s heartbeat!

Food cravings: Still not many cravings. I have been trying to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and smoothies usually hit the spot.
Gender: Not sure yet, but everyone seems to think it is a boy.

Belly button in or out? In, but VJ thinks it is starting to ‘untie’ and starting to become an outie – how is this possible?!

Movement? Nope

What I miss? Wine!!! Yes, I know this my thing every week, I still really miss it!!

What I'm looking forward to: Relaxing on the couch all day today and not feeling guilty about it!
Milestones: Our baby’s is the size of a raspberry, and is starting to look more and more like a baby!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Dr Appointment and Week 6 Update

Yesterday marked the beginning of week 6. Our baby is the size of a sweet pea now, much bigger than the poppy seed it was 2 weeks ago! We went to our first Dr appointment on Thursday. I was pretty nervous all week, so I decided to make an Acupuncture appointment right before my OB appointment. What a great idea that was! Dr. Loh was incredible, he gave me a big hug when I gave him my news. I asked him what I should do over the next few months to ensure a healthy pregnancy. His advice was to keep it simple, to relax and focus on remaining calm. Good advice, let’s see if I can actually follow it.

After my relaxing acupuncture appointment, I headed over to my OB’s office. VJ was already there, much to my surprise. I figured he’d be on ‘Filipino Time’ or ’15 minutes late’. The appointment wasn’t very exciting. The Dr just examined me and answered questions VJ and I were shooting at her like a parents-to-be firing squad. She was great, so patient and upbeat. She officially got on my good side when she confirmed that the book ‘What to Eat When Expecting’ was incorrect, I am allowed to eat more than one piece of cake a month, and yes, I in fact can eat chocolate. She was already on my good side when she gave me another nugget of good news – I can drink my morning cup of coffee. Ok, this pregnancy just got a lot more pleasant for all involved! VJ and I excitedly took the script she gave us for an ultrasound in 2 weeks, made our next OB appointment, which is in 4 weeks, and headed off to dinner.

6th Week Update:
How far along? 6 Weeks

Weight gain/loss: None yet. I got my offical 'starting weight' of 97 lbs at the Dr appt, though.

Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? I am constantly exhausted. It isn’t even a normal exhaustion, it is this dizzying, sleep walking feeling. I take naps at my desk over lunch, I can’t wait to go home, so I can sleep some more. I just hope I have a job at the end of this first trimester, since I am working at a snail’s pace. Throw in 4 – 5 pee breaks an hour, and I am not exactly the picture of efficiency.

Best moment this week? Hearing that we get to see our baby in 2 weeks!

Food cravings: Not many cravings, but honey nut cheerios are never further than an arm’s length away. Even at 3am when I wake up to my stomach growling.

Gender: Not sure yet.

Belly button in or out? In

Movement? Nope

What I miss? Wine!!! Yes, I know this was last week’s thing… but I still really miss my nightly glass of red wine!!

What I'm looking forward to: sleeping tonight!!

Weekly wisdom: I need to stay calm. My body knows how to make a baby, and all I have to do is relax.

Milestones: Our baby’s heart is beating!

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm Pregnant!

Disclaimer: This is my first blog post for my very first blog ever. While I thoroughly enjoy reading other people’s blogs, I never thought I would be a blogger myself. So why start now? A few days ago, my husband and I found out that I am pregnant! We have been hanging out on cloud 9 ever since we saw those two beautiful pink lines on the test stick.

To add to our good fortune, we were two days away from seeing my entire family for our annual week at the beach. I am one of five, and my family is spread out across the US. I am in NJ, I have siblings in PA, SC, and my parents live in TX. So you can imagine my excitement to be able to tell them our wonderful news in person.

We had an incredible week with my family. It was so great to see everyone’s reactions when we told them our news. My mom cried, my dad looked proud, my older brother high-fived me, my sister-in-law gave me a big hug, my little brother had this wonderfully happy look on his face (I hope I never forget it), and my little sister was grinning ear to ear. I am so happy we got to see all of these reactions.

Like all good things, our week at the beach sadly came to an end. During a tearful goodbye with my mom, I promised to start a blog to keep her updated as my pregnancy progresses. I couldn’t imagine going through this without her knowing every detail, and seeing my belly grow. So mom, as promised, here is the first of many weekly updates (this is borrowed from a few ladies on the Bump). The belly picture isn’t anything exciting, but I want to have it to compare to in the weeks to come:

Week 5 of Pregnancy:

How far along? 5 Weeks

Weight gain/loss: None

Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? No, hopefully that is my answer for the next 35 weeks!

Sleep? Yes please! I could sleep all day, every day.

Best moment this week? Seeing everyone’s reactions to our news.

Food cravings: Hmm, not sure if I’d call it a craving, but fruit smoothies have been hitting the spot in this hot weather (102 degrees today!)

Gender: Not sure yet.

Belly button in or out? In

Movement? Nope

What I miss? Wine!!!

What I'm looking forward to: My first appointment on Thursday

Weekly wisdom: I am pregnant today and love my baby, I shouldn’t borrow tomorrow's worries

Milestones: Our baby is the size of an appleseed!